Confession: I can’t read at home. Maybe it’s the pile of clothes whispering threatening comments about how I won’t have underwear next week if I don’t wash them or my obnoxious obsession with rewatching The Office. Either way, I find it difficult to sit down and actually read.
This summer, I’m dedicated to reading four books (yeah yeah, it’s small but that’s a big step for me, okay?) I was pretty picky when deciding which books to pick up and thankfully, I stumbled upon some highly rated reads…
1. Bonjour Kale
I’ve never been to Paris so I live vicariously through any medium that let’s me take a mental trip (no Parisian Instastory is safe). I also love food so when I found out this book was about Paris AND food, it was “game over man.”

2. Own Your Everyday
My name is Tess and I am a perfectionist.
“Own Your Everyday” is aimed at helping the 3’s (or the high achievers) of the world chill the heck out so naturally, I quick swiped to order. (Also I start getting the shakes when I see the phrase “personal development”, which the summary page is riddled with). I’m guessing I won’t be able to get enough of this which is fortunate because Jordan Dooley also has a podcast: The SHE Podcast.

3/4. Slightly South of Simple / The Secret to Southern Charm
I combined these two as they’re book one and two of the absolutely charming series by Kristy Woodsen Harvey. These are the perfect beach reads or when you’re ready for a mental beach trip. These books follow a mother/daughters relationship through all the messy, beautiful, funny, deep parts of life.