
Summer Staples

I feel like summer hasn’t really started (unless it did and I just didn’t get the memo!) and for me, that means hitting the ‘refresh’ button on some of my favorite summer staples that I wear on repeat, year after year.

Date Night – Shop Small

We’re continuing our #shopsmall theme on the blog with this uh-mazing dress! While I’ve styled it for a date night, it could easily be appropriate for a wedding, holiday party, or just a day when you’re really feeling yourself!

Cold Weather Boots

I’ll admit, while I have several *cough 65+* pairs of shoes, I’m rough on all of them, even the pretty ones.  In addition to my caveman-like approach to shoe treatment, the fall and winter weather is an extra dose of rough on footwear.   However, there are a few styles that can stand both me and …

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